Halloween decorations are going up. Pumpkins are being carved into Jack-O-Lanterns. Kids are planning their costumes and competing with the best routes to get the most candy. Hackers are hiding their identity and competing on their best way to exploit the upcoming elections for fun and profit. Just on the other side of Halloween, the 2024 presidential, state and local elections are looming close.
Efforts to combat these attackers playing tricks and taking treats are ramping up as well.
One of the best ways to avoid getting tricked is to know where to go to get accurate information on elections from official government sources. According to recent surveys, this is still the most trusted source of truth.

For the State of Idaho, the Secretary of State official’s website, https://voteidaho.gov/ is the one source of truth for upcoming elections. This resource includes information about voter registration, voting locations, and election details.
Please verify election information you receive through email, social media, and favorite AI before trusting it. This is the best way to avoid the masked trick or treaters of the season.