Idaho Official Government Website

Cybersecurity Focus of the Month: Oversharing

Photo of a man holding a mobile device with security icons

Odds are that you have recently seen something posted to social media and commented in surprise “I can’t believe someone posted this online!” This all-too-common occurrence happens to everybody who uses social media. Unfortunately, this includes cyber criminals that troll social media sources looking for this information to use for their own devious purposes.

Merriam-Webster defines the act of posting too much information online as “Oversharing.”

If you post pictures and stories of your first pet, this can be used to reset a password that uses “Name of your first pet” as a validation question. For example, if you post a video during vacation, and it is liked by a loved one, a scammer can contact them pretending to be you and get them to send money as part of a deepfake scam.

When posting to social media, please take a second look and ask the question, “What could a very bad person do with this.”  Also, when you see a post by someone close to you say, “I can’t believe that somebody posted this online,” consider letting them know that they may have overshared.
