Phase 4 – IT Modernization

As the countdown to Phase 4 of IT Modernization continues, ITS is eager to welcome and support each agency joining us this year. This resource page contains information and FAQs about the transition. Technical details are being coordinated with agency leadership, IT managers, and liaisons. ITS knows this transition is a change in your daily workflow and we appreciate your understanding during this process.


The cutover date is Sunday, June 9, 2024 with everything ready to go Monday morning. All Phase 4 agencies are receiving a series of communications from ITS with information about the process, training dates to ensure everyone can submit a service ticket, and other important information.

New agencies include Liquor Division, Department of Lands, State Public Defender, Department of Labor, Historical Society, and Military Division.

ITS Quick Reference Document

General Information

General Information

General information for all staff within ITS-supported agencies

Procurement Services

Procurement Services

Information regarding purchasing IT services and equipment through ITS



Resources for learning and training for all users of ITS-supported agencies

About ITS

ITS was created in 2018 to help state agencies use technology more efficiently and to improve cybersecurity of Idaho government. ITS provides a full range of services and is the primary technology expert supporting 54 agencies. Learn more about us in the Linked Resources on the sidebar and here: