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ITA Committees

IT Leadership Council (ITLC)

This committee provides leadership in the development and implementation of Idaho’s Information Technology Strategic Plan Goals.

ITLC Charter (Revised July 2023)


Jen Dvorak, State Supreme Court (CHAIR)
Tyler Jackson, Office of Information Technology Services (VICE CHAIR)
Catie Wiseman, Idaho Division of Liquor
Alvino Artalejo, Dept. of Health & Welfare
Marc Norton, Idaho Tax Commission
Greg Schenk, State Controller’s Office
Kaylene Hoyt, State Dept. of Education
Chris Robison, Dept. of Fish & Game
Kayne Tisdale, Idaho State Police
Bill Finke, Idaho Transportation Dept.
Seth Hobbs, Dept. of Parks and Recreation
Randi Bristol-Hogue, Dept. of Correction
Larry Sweat, PERSI
Decar Scaff, State Board of Education
VACANT, Dept. of Lands
VACANT, Dept. of Labor
VACANT, Idaho Military Division
VACANT, Dept. of Insurance

Unless otherwise noted, regularly scheduled meetings are held bi-monthly on the third Tuesday at 1:30 pm MT during even months.


Idaho Geospatial Council
– Executive Committee (IGC-EC)

This committee provides policy-level direction and promotes efficient and effective use of resources for matters related to geographic information.

Idaho Statewide Lidar Plan (approved July 19, 2018) – To contact the Idaho Lidar Consortium, visit
Idaho Geospatial Council Bylaws (revised January 2018)
State GIS Strategic Plan (effective 12/6/2016)


Idaho Geospatial Information Officer
Wilma Robertson, Information Technology Services/Idaho Geospatial Office
INSIDE Geospatial Clearinghouse
Bruce Godfrey University of Idaho
USGS Liaison
Tom Carlson U.S. Geological Survey
GIS Training and Research Center
Keith Weber Idaho State University

State Government Representatives
SEAT 1 Sydney Lewis (CHAIR) Idaho Transportation Department
SEAT 2 Jeff May Dept. of Fish & Game
Federal Representatives
SEAT 3 Eric Buehler, USDA, Farm Service Agency
SEAT 4 Dan Determan, NOAA National Geodetic Survey
Local Government Representatives
SEAT 5 Cyndi Andersen, City of Meridian
SEAT 6 Bob Folsom, City of Post Falls
SEAT 7 Kelly Green, Blaine County (208) 788-5560
Tribal Representative
SEAT 8 Laurie Ames, Nez Perce Tribe (208) 621-3718
Utility Representative
SEAT 9 Wendy Largent, NLI Cooperative (208) 255-7195
Private Sector Representative
SEAT 10 Jan Cunningham, Esri (909) 793-2853, ext. 4363
Open Representatives
SEAT 11 Jackie Reader, GIS Consultant
SEAT 12 Tom Kearns, Idaho Department of Lands (208) 334-0200

Unless otherwise noted, regularly scheduled meetings are held bi-monthly on the third Thursday at 9:30 am MT during odd months.


Access Idaho Steering Committee

Effective Jan. 31, 2024, the Access Idaho Steering Committee no longer exists. The meeting notices, agendas, and approved minutes from Jan. 2023 to Jan. 2024 are available on Townhall Idaho.

MEETING MINUTES (prior to Jan. 2023)

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